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Anton Gobai chirman of KNPB Teritory Facific/KM |
West Papua is a land connected with Papua New Guinea (PNG), reside in Pacific. This land full contaminant of wealthy resources, these are Gold, Oil, mine, and also Fishes in shore Papua etc.
A long time term Land sacrifice experience and that suffering creted by Indonesia, began from since integration Papuan agaisnt Indonesia through New York Agreement between America, Dutch and Indonesia, that there was not joined West Papuan. So international violace fact they did because their reason for arrogate of All the west Papuan Wealthy by Capitalism, alias Americaan relaity operation now.
Capitalism America is a state which have Money invest and it’s bigger Country that took over outhority on the world everry where, specially in Papua of PT. Freeport Indonesia. Right now it owner Americaan And Indonesia actually Heaven of World Glittering Goldens. Recognised in Tembagapura at TImika.
Clonialism Indonesian Original could destroyer to West Papua Peoples by to much method even arrogating Authority and wealthy resources through sacrifice Peoples of West Papua. And we recognised destroying method they have are bellow.
Transmigration Indonesian Peoples sent to Papua through transmigration which must policy of Hold e-Lectro ID and flowers of Islam Religion only, according to the one of Transtor when I was interview with Him in the Nabire at Sp II, actually He is One of christian but he changed his Religion Id, finally he has Passed to Came to West Papua and I’m hire enjoying everrything whatever i want, so hard to go back on my own province at Indonesia, and some time we made to much action against west papua to defending this rich land he said.
Military And Polices Militaries are true killer or destroyer of Papua Peoples by actuall shoot, and they kidnap, collision by Polices Car, violence ripe, Poision those category violenting still acting by Militeries include Polices, and Another Weapons crew.
Islamisation Islam Is a religion which full evilness sistematicly enforcement special program for arrogate of West Papua, scriptive by virtue of evidence that Islamic policy have to training strain Black magic intend to realise against Papua Peopls and they also training shooting of Guns finally all of them Islamic Known to shoted to occur genocida All time by This islamic, through training weapon program all Papuan recognised that Islamic have gun each other specially those are in West Papua.
Playgirl (Sending Infection Girl to The West Papua) Multitudes who infected of HIV AIDS sent in to Papua generaly dead because changed yoke girlfriend with Indonesian Girl finally they have sink in to Beed seen.
Cross Marriage. Cross Marriage known Crosswife or Husband with another Nation or Mixed Marriage, this things has three category, those are”
1. Husband from West Papua and Wife from Indonesia or White Girl
2. Wife from West Papua and Husband from Indonesia Or White man
3. Husband from indonesia and Wife from Indonesia also.
Why i gave three category to disscuss more detail because mix marriage, it make losting Truely nation Of Melanesian who were in Papua part of west with Papua New Guinea (PNG) so on 2025 above it occuring will become a history cause by mixed marriage but actually because gent weak of us. Our generation follow by mother’s skin or mothr’s skin and hair.
Unfoldment Province and Regency. Unfoldment of Provinces and regency in West Papua it only expand Militeries and transmigration event expand drank store intend to losting Papuan’s truely think and brain system for struggling force.
So in this destroying a lot of magic method which easly finishing Papuan specially foods contaminant chemical, and dranks contaminant poison.
Papua Land has be bleed land to made a pipe by capitalism and clonialism they were targeted for produce a lot of killer through transmigration and Musilm with other militerism to increase genocida in Papua, in this case have occured hidden genocida and reality genocida thousand of Papua swiming on the see bleed. It true Human right violent.
So In this case we need to international observation for take out to solve and resposnbility of Human right violence which occuring on the west Papua Peoples because we are Truely Human who created by GOD, but it has Be Bleed Land, We assert that please reduce of Human right violence by Indonesia, Stop it and Give independence.
Writen by : Gobai Anton chirman of Comitte National West Papua (KNPB) in territory of facific
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